In this post we will analyze the equations for the statistical wave model presented in Tessendorf's paper[1] on simulating ocean water. In the previous post we used the discrete Fourier transform to generate our wave height field. We will proceed with the analysis in order to implement our own fast Fourier transform. With this implementation …
In this post we will implement the statistical wave model from the equations in Tessendorf's paper[1] on simulating ocean water. We will implement this model using a discrete Fourier transform. In part two we will begin with the same equations but provide a deeper analysis in order to implement our own fast Fourier transform. Using …
In the previous post we discussed lighting and environment mapping, and our evaluation of the lighting contribution was performed in view space. Here we will discuss lighting in tangent space and extend our lighting model to include a normal map. If we apply a texture to a surface, then for every point in the texture …
In this post we will expand on our skybox project by adding an object to our scene for which we will evaluate lighting contributions and environment mapping. We will first make a quick edit to our Wavefront OBJ loader to utilize OpenGL's Vertex Buffer Object. Once we can render an object we will create a …
I realized in my previous posts the use of OpenGL wasn't up to spec. This post will attempt to implement skybox functionality using the more recent specifications. We'll use GLSL to implement a couple simple shaders. We will create an OpenGL program object to which we will bind our vertex and fragment shaders. A Vertex …